The Mass Distraction for dummies

Welcome to Mass Distraction saga trilogy. This is the 1st and you could read other chapters here:
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies

The reader, the viewer, the user, the consumer and the voter know what they want. They prefer an illusion at the reality. 

The mass distraction is an art that could open unimaginable doors... When you are lying, the approximation earn more than the accuracy. If you are ambiguous what can they do? Contradict you ambiguously ? Told them innocent lie and nobody believes in you. Told them a clap trap and they hang of your words. The storytelling works and Jesus Christ knew it and told us Parable. There are some moment when you can’t bullshit as if there were no tomorrow. But if there were no tomorrow possibilities, bullshit everybody. The self belief is highly recommended. If you are not able to lie yourself How could you bullshit me? 33 in a 35 thinks to prefer Nutella over the bread, 33 in a 35 prefers a lie over the truth. One in a 35 thinks to prefer Nutella over the bread, One in a 35 prefers a shit mountain over half truth. Some people would be manipulated. Don’t be rude manipulate them. Many people don’t know that “ In vino veritas “ is a conspiracy created by Irish multinational company whiskey makers. The ends justify the lie. The world is full of ends choose what could justify your bullshit. “ The mass distraction for dummies ” is very dangerous...



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