Showing posts with label Conspiracy adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy adventures. Show all posts
The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
Welcome to Mass Distraction saga trilogy. This is the 3rd and you could read other chapters here:
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
Concern is bad. Distraction is good. It must be good.
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
Concern is bad. Distraction is good. It must be good.
Do you remember when he sold you a wonderful opportunity? Who sold it you, was a second advanced level of mass distraction. Silence press is a passive alternative to rambling speech. You master it and strong in mass distraction you’ll be. During the first government crisis you’ll recognize who watch the watcher and who distract the distracter. Find a shining thing to attract the look. Verse 13.48 Distracted eyes doesn’t watch so the heart doesn’t hurt. Where there’s no money and words the drugs works perfectly. The Mass Distraction for dummies is a cheater’s handbook. Talkative fog the screens and fog the minds. You haven’t really told what you propagandized. Maybe you just touch upon it but who could do prove it? Passing the buck is a C1++ level distraction technique. If one has 1% guilty, you’ll blame him yours 99% too. Easy way easy leadership.
If the distraction doesn’t work? If the warranty expires you won’t send it back so you have to change it. Mental confusion is the second most important Mass Distraction technique. Collect and summarize in one shot all the techniques except the LAST.
The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
Welcome to Mass Distraction saga trilogy. This is the 2nd and you could read other chapters here:
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
The reader, the viewer, the user, the consumer and the voter know what they want. They prefer a illusion at the reality.
The mass distraction isn’t a game. The talent isn’t enough. We need work hard and training day and night. Mass distraction commutative property. Mass want distraction. Say what they want and The Mass will be distracted.
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
The reader, the viewer, the user, the consumer and the voter know what they want. They prefer a illusion at the reality.
The mass distraction isn’t a game. The talent isn’t enough. We need work hard and training day and night. Mass distraction commutative property. Mass want distraction. Say what they want and The Mass will be distracted.
Mass distraction evolutionary property. Mass is distracted by them preferences. Use them preferences for distract them more.
In the middle of the doubt. Bullshit more than you can. They can’t believe that is invented.
You must not prove your truth. Leave this to them and watch them struggle and fail.
You take the authority and you earn the respect. You can buy both.
Find out a false enemy before they realize that you are the Enemy.
I am cool so I tell the cool truth.
If you could put your idea in their lips... you could put everything in their lips.
Mass distraction chaos property. If Nobody understands and you are in trouble too that means you had worked perfectly.
Push everything sooner or later you’ll hit the target.
When the first political crisis comes you’ll discover who watch the watcher and who distract the distractor.
The Mass Distraction for dummies
Welcome to Mass Distraction saga trilogy. This is the 1st and you could read other chapters here:
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
The reader, the viewer, the user, the consumer and the voter know what they want. They prefer an illusion at the reality.
1st The Mass Distraction for dummies
2nd The impetuous Mass Distraction for dummies
3rd The secret Mass Distraction for dummies
The reader, the viewer, the user, the consumer and the voter know what they want. They prefer an illusion at the reality.
The mass distraction is an art that could open unimaginable doors... When you are lying, the approximation earn more than the accuracy. If you are ambiguous what can they do? Contradict you ambiguously ? Told them innocent lie and nobody believes in you. Told them a clap trap and they hang of your words. The storytelling works and Jesus Christ knew it and told us Parable. There are some moment when you can’t bullshit as if there were no tomorrow. But if there were no tomorrow possibilities, bullshit everybody. The self belief is highly recommended. If you are not able to lie yourself How could you bullshit me? 33 in a 35 thinks to prefer Nutella over the bread, 33 in a 35 prefers a lie over the truth. One in a 35 thinks to prefer Nutella over the bread, One in a 35 prefers a shit mountain over half truth. Some people would be manipulated. Don’t be rude manipulate them. Many people don’t know that “ In vino veritas “ is a conspiracy created by Irish multinational company whiskey makers. The ends justify the lie. The world is full of ends choose what could justify your bullshit. “ The mass distraction for dummies ” is very dangerous...
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